
Why hard wax is the best for sensitive skin

We’ve heard it all before..waxing is painful! But it doesn’t have to be the worst pain ever! A lot of that can be possible when using hard wax and going to a professional that has the right technique.

Why choose a waxer that uses hard wax?

First and foremost, it’s more comfortable for you as the client. There are many factors but here’s a few.

  • Its less likely to be too hot and burn the skin

  • Its applied warm and removed in one piece

  • You won’t leave sticky or tacky afterwords and ruin your clothes

  • Less possibility of tearing, bruising and damaging the skin

  • Your waxer can go over the area several times without damaging the skin and overall grabs less dead skin cells with it, being the better option for more sensitive skin types.

What do we use?

Personally I love mermaid wax or starpil but our main use is mermaid wax. It’s a vegan blend and stays tacky making it great for all hair types.

I have sensitive skin, should I even wax?

Waxing can improve and help with ingrown hairs, razor burn and rashes. Choosing a waxer that has a lot of experience and uses good product is the best bet to ensure that you have the best experience. With that being said, waxing isn’t for everyone and the only way to know is to try! Majority of clients that come to me with sensitive skin end up loving waxing and stick with it since their skin does better with it than shaving.

If you’re in the Denver area, we’d love to see you!

What Should I Use to Exfoliate When I Wax?

Waxing is amazing and reducing hair thickness, irritation and ingrown hairs but you do have to take care of your skin to prevent these from happening. Here’s some aftercare advice and products that I love to use after my monthly wax.

This goes for specifically intimate waxing as ingrown hairs are more of an issue in this area but it’s a good rule of thumb for any waxing area.

Pre-wax Exfoliation

I recommend exfoliating gloves or a chemical exfoliant 24 hours before your wax. Harsh sugar scrubs can cause micro-tears in the skin and cause more issues than help.

Waxing itself…

Waxing itself is exfoliation. After your waxing appointment, there shouldn’t be any PHYSICAL exfoliation done for 48 hours. However ingrown hair serums work wonders at calming the skin and removing dead skin cells that are continuously building up on our skin. My favorite ingrown hair serum is Serious Serum. This serum works time and time again!

Post Care

There are 2 types of exfoliation I highly recommend after waxing to keep your skin happy, healthy and clear of ingrown hairs.

Physical Exfoliation - This is super important in removing the top layer of dead skin as it builds up so the hair can easily pop through without getting trapped. I recommend an exfoliating glove. It’s gentle unlike a scrub and safe for the whole area being waxed.

Chemical Exfoliation - We already talked about my favorite serum above. But I recommend some form of glycolic, lactic, salicylic should be used to prevent ingrown hairs and used daily even as the hair grows back.

Hydration - Many clients wasn’t to use lotion or coconut oil which really isn’t great for the hairs trying to pop through your skin. I recommend a waxing oil that’s strictly made for waxing. My fav is the nourishing oils from Just The Strip. They are hydrating, help soften hair and skin, prevent ingrown and smell amazing!

You can shop these products on our store page or feel free to message us for questions!