denver wax

What Should I Use to Exfoliate When I Wax?

Waxing is amazing and reducing hair thickness, irritation and ingrown hairs but you do have to take care of your skin to prevent these from happening. Here’s some aftercare advice and products that I love to use after my monthly wax.

This goes for specifically intimate waxing as ingrown hairs are more of an issue in this area but it’s a good rule of thumb for any waxing area.

Pre-wax Exfoliation

I recommend exfoliating gloves or a chemical exfoliant 24 hours before your wax. Harsh sugar scrubs can cause micro-tears in the skin and cause more issues than help.

Waxing itself…

Waxing itself is exfoliation. After your waxing appointment, there shouldn’t be any PHYSICAL exfoliation done for 48 hours. However ingrown hair serums work wonders at calming the skin and removing dead skin cells that are continuously building up on our skin. My favorite ingrown hair serum is Serious Serum. This serum works time and time again!

Post Care

There are 2 types of exfoliation I highly recommend after waxing to keep your skin happy, healthy and clear of ingrown hairs.

Physical Exfoliation - This is super important in removing the top layer of dead skin as it builds up so the hair can easily pop through without getting trapped. I recommend an exfoliating glove. It’s gentle unlike a scrub and safe for the whole area being waxed.

Chemical Exfoliation - We already talked about my favorite serum above. But I recommend some form of glycolic, lactic, salicylic should be used to prevent ingrown hairs and used daily even as the hair grows back.

Hydration - Many clients wasn’t to use lotion or coconut oil which really isn’t great for the hairs trying to pop through your skin. I recommend a waxing oil that’s strictly made for waxing. My fav is the nourishing oils from Just The Strip. They are hydrating, help soften hair and skin, prevent ingrown and smell amazing!

You can shop these products on our store page or feel free to message us for questions!

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs for Good

We all love being smooth and hair free but some can develop ingrown hairs from shaving and hair removal services such as waxing or sugaring.

How Do They Develop

Ingrown are caused with irritation and too much buildup of dead skin in the pore where the hair is trying to regrow and push back out of the pore. Some experience these from a bad razor or as the hair is starting to grow back after a wax so around 2 weeks post wax.

How Do I Prevent Them

EXFOLIATE! Exfoliation is going to be your best friend. I recommend two types of exfoliation; chemical and physical. Everyone should own a exfoliation glove (not a washcloth or sponge these harbor too much bacteria). Use this 3x a week in the shower this will help the hair grow back through and not get blocked by dead skin and causing an ingrown hair.
A chemical exfoliation would be a serum or product made to help with ingrown hairs. These usually contain an AHA (Glycolic acid or Salicylic) these work by going deep in the pore and cleaning it as the hair grows back through. I personally recommend Serious Serum - this product was produced by an esthetician and is calming while exfoliating containing glycolic acid, chamomile and willow tree bark.

Hydration & Body Washes

Sometimes we are looking to heal this on our own and learn some fun Ideas from Pinterest on at home care. Here are the ones that I typically hear of and please don’t do this to your skin, you will only make it worse;
- Any type of scrub created at home (sugar, coffee grounds, etc.) these are harsh and cause micro-tears in the skin causing more irritation
-Any hydration oil that can clog your pores or lotions that contain too much fragrance (coconut oil)

What Not To Do Post Wax

You can be causing more harm than good if you are doing the following after your wax:

  • working out (before 24 hours)

  • wearing tight clothing post-wax

  • wearing lacy underwear (if you are struggling with bikini line ingrowns this could be the culprit)

  • going to a hot tub or sitting in unclean water (24 hours)

In conclusion…

When getting waxed it does take some extra effort to keep your skin beautiful and smooth but it will work in the long run and keep your enjoying your wax without the painful and unsightly look of ingrown hairs.